Category Archives: Movies

I Found A Pretty Good Zombie Movie!..Kinda


I love horror movies in general.  When I was little, around 5, a lady named Judy used to take care of me.  Her, her mother Ann and her brother Sunny.  They lived behind us and were my saviors for many years.

Well, Judy LOVED horror movies.  So at the tender age of 5, she would get a bowl of popcorn, plop me on her lap and throw The Omen in for us to watch.  I loved it.  Amityville Horror, Psycho, all of the good classics, and some of the not so good B-movie ones we all love. 

For some reason this didn’t twist me, we just bonded and had a good time.  I know at that age I knew this stuff wasn’t real and I enjoyed a good scare.  She liked the fact we didn’t have to watch Sesame Street and I liked that I got to watch stuff I could never watch at home.  It was our little secret.

Needless to say my hunger for good horror still grows.  I have watched EVERYTHING.  Zombie movies are new to me the last 4 years or so.  So when I find a good one I tell MJ, who introduced me to them.

It’s called Extinction GMO Chronicles.  The acting isn’t stellar, but I like the twist on the disease and the zombies just keep morphing during the movie.  It is long but entertaining.  I really liked this.  3 stars isn’t bad for a zombie movie.

Other than that I haven’t found another one since Dawn Of The Dead, and Zombieland that I find to be great.  Extinction isn’t GREAT, but it doesn’t suck either, so it’s worth the watch.


Conversations With My Teens During Disney Movies

Walt Disney's Cinderella: a Little Golden Book 1981 printingLately, I’ve been trying to collect Disney DVDs for my kids.  It’s mainly to introduce my toddler to them, as my teens have seen most of them when they were younger at my parents’ house.

Those movies are expensive!  They’re not like regular DVDs that lower in price over the years and end up in the $3.99 bin at Walmart or a $1.99 Lightning Deal on Amazon.  Have you seen the ridiculous prices on Amazon?  So I wait for them to re-release and buy them then.

Anyway, my toddler loves watching some of these movies over and over and over… and over… and over again.  After you’ve watched a movie a certain number of times, you stop really watching it and start noticing things.  Questions start to arise.  Realizations are made.  Have you read my Bee Movie post?  Yeah, those types of “Hey… wait a sec…” moments.

Yesterday, we were watching “Cinderella.”  My son suddenly asked, “At what point did Cinderella say to the mice, ‘You know I just can’t take you seriously anymore when you’re standing there naked, talking to me.  I think I’ll make you some clothes.’?”

Last week, we were watching “Finding Nemo.”  Again, my son popped out, “Hey, did you ever notice that ‘Finding Nemo’ is a Disney version of ‘Taken‘?”

“I don’t know who you are.  I don’t know what you want.  If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don’t have money.  But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career.  Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.  If you let my [son] go now, that’ll be the end of it.  I will not look for you; I will not pursue you.  But if you don’t, I will look for you; I will find you; and I will kill you.”

My daughter replied, “No, it isn’t.  Marlin doesn’t go around killing all the fish in his way.”

My son’s response: “I know.  I said the Disney version.”

I’ll have to ponder that one, and maybe write up a post about it.

What are you watching, reading, and playing?


Yesterday, I was supposed to write about something natural and homemade.  My brain has been kind of out-of-whack lately, and I’m waiting for it to get into gear.

Today, I am supposed to write about a movie, book, game, or TV show.

How about a list of what I’m reading, watching, and playing?  That’s easy enough.  Maybe I’ll get some comments.


A Darkness At Sethanon (Volume 4 of the Riftwar Saga) by Raymond E. Feist

Watching with my oldest daughter when the toddler goes to bed:

Heroes reruns on Amazon

Once Upon A Time on HuluPlus

The most recent movie I’ve seen is Prometheus.  We bought it for Christmas.  Wow.  Awesome movie if you love the Alien movies, but it leaves more questions than answers.

Playing on my DS:

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

My teens got me the DS game Adventure Time: Hey Ice King!  Why’d you steal our garbage?! for Christmas.  I finished it in less than a week.  Extremely entertaining.  Reminded me of the old Zelda games.

So what are you reading, watching, or playing this week?